Pupil Asset always aims to stay up to date and, where necessary, will release new assessment frameworks to ensure that schools have access to the latest from the DfE.
On 14 February 2018, the DfE released new Teacher Assessment Frameworks for use in the academic year 2018/19.
Click here for the new Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Frameworks.
Click here for the new Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Frameworks.
In response to the changes, the following frameworks are now available in Pupil Asset:
Teacher Assessment frameworks only:
· KS1/2 TAF Maths 2018/19
· KS1/2 TAF Reading 2018/19
· KS1 TAF Writing 2018/19
· KS2 TAF Writing 2018/19
Full National Curriculum frameworks with Teacher Assessment framework statements included:
· NC Maths 2018/19
· NC Reading 2018/19
· NC Writing 2018/19
· NC Science 2018/19
The NC 2018/19 frameworks for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science give teachers the best of both worlds. Assessment statements are taken from the relevant programmes of study and broken down into specific, age-related expectations for Years 1 through to 6.
Within each year group, learners are assessed as Working Towards, Working At or Greater Depth. This enables teachers to analyse learners’ areas of strength and weakness and to monitor ‘in year’ progress as pupils’ understanding and competency development through the year.
At the same time, teachers can also monitor learner attainment in relation to the current end of Key Stage expectations. This is possible because statements from the 2018/19 Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs) have been included in the new 2018/19 frameworks.
Making formative judgements
Assessments are entered for each pupil under the relevant assessment statements. The depth of learning (Working Towards, Working At, Greater Depth) is indicated by the colour awarded.
The assessments Working Towards and Working At can be thought of as the ‘core learning’ that all pupils should progress through, whilst Greater Depth represents the optional, in-year broadening and deepening of age-related expectations that may only be achieved by more able learners. Therefore, broadly speaking, Working At can be considered as the overall expected standard that all pupils should reach.
For full guidance on how to use the Pupil Asset frameworks, see ‘Formative Assessment – Quick Start’.
It is likely that new schools will choose to use one of the latest frameworks from the start; however, existing customers also have the option to move their current assessments from one of the older frameworks to the new ones.
For full guidance on how to move assessment ticks from one framework to another, see How to move ticks from one framework to another.
Exemplification of Working Towards, Working At and Greater Depth
Exemplification of Working Towards, Working At and Greater Depth is available for each statement in the Reading, Writing and Maths frameworks. Simply click on a blue statement at the top of the framework and an exemplification window will appear:
For more information on Exemplifications, click here.
NB: As with all assessment practice, the accuracy of the standard given will be influenced by the professional judgement of the teacher. Pupil Asset accepts no responsibility if moderators challenge or disagree with the judgments teachers have made. Whilst Pupil Asset endeavours to use the most up to date exemplification of the Teacher Assessment Frameworks, we cannot accept responsibility if exemplification changes from that currently available at www.pupilasset.com. Similarly, we cannot accept responsibility for different interpretations of the TAF statements as these remains subjective.
National Curriculum Foundation Subjects
Pupil Asset provides assessment frameworks for many of the National Curriculum (2014) foundation subjects. These frameworks are designed to support teachers’ ongoing assessment of learners’ attainment and progress. Each framework charts the year-on-year progression in ‘Understanding and Skills’ that pupils are expected to make. Where the National Curriculum stipulates the content through which this ‘Understanding and Skills’ should be acquired, this is provided as ‘Curriculum coverage’ statements.
Understanding and Skills describes the generic learning that pupils are likely to return to regularly and build upon as they move through the school. Where ‘Understanding and Skills’ have been broken down into yearly statements, Pupil Asset has devised these year-on-year expectations in consultation with the appropriate National Curriculum (2014) programmes of study, with specialist teachers and with reference to assessment frameworks made freely available by subject societies.
Curriculum coverage refers to the knowledge that pupils are expected to acquire in the foundation subjects, for example, the Romans in History or the use of cams, pulleys and gears in Design and Technology. It is the substantive learning that pupils may only cover once during a Key Stage or phase of their education. In some frameworks, Curriculum Coverage is stipulated for each year group, though this can, of course, be edited. In other cases (see below), coverage has been given as the end of Key Stage expectations and schools are encouraged to edit their frameworks to specify the year in which different topics are taught.
For more information on customising Frameworks, see How to set-up/customise frameworks.