Pupil Asset has exemplified the terminology Beginning, Developing and Embedded for the original 2014 NC Reading, NC Writing and NC Maths frameworks and the terminology Working Towards, Working At and Greater Depth for 2017/2018 frameworks from Years 1 through to 6.
Teachers can access exemplification statements on the Multi Tick page when assessing learners. Simply click on an assessment statement and an exemplification window will appear.

What are exemplification statements?
Exemplification statements are our interpretation of the age-related expectations. They are intended as a starting point for Pupil Asset users who wish to develop a shared understanding of the Pupil Asset terminology. They can also support with consistency and moderation across year groups/settings.
Are these the official exemplification of age-related expectations?
These are not official exemplifications of the age-related expectations. However, Pupil Asset has worked with primary teachers during moderation exercises to exemplify the judgements in a way that supports on-going, school-level assessment.
Is this exemplification benchmarked against national expectations?
Where possible, the exemplifications are based on the Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs) for the end of key stage 1 and key stage 2. The Teacher Assessment Frameworks are only intended for national assessment at the end of key stages and do not exemplify the full range of skills in the 2014 National Curriculum Frameworks. As such, Pupil Asset has worked with practitioners to adapt and develop additional exemplification statements ‘in the spirit of’ the TAFs for other year groups and ‘non-TAF’ assessment objectives.
Additional Notes:
The original National Curriculum 2014 does not differentiate between all Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 end of year objectives. Where possible, exemplifications have been broken down into Beg/Dev/Emb or WT/WA/GD for each year group; however, where this has not been possible, the end of Year 4 (EOY4) or end of Year 6 (EOY6) objectives have been made explicit in the Year 3 and 5 documentation.