** 2022 update**
Please refer to the DfE KS2 guidance for codes that should be used for submitting your KS2 TA data:

Pupil Asset always aims to stay up to date with national assessment requirements and so in order to support schools with recording their end of Key Stage assessments, we have the following features:
– Teachers from Years 2 and 6 can input their Teacher Assessment Judgements alongside their internal tracking results.
– Teachers from Year 2 can import/input their pupils’ scaled scores (conversion charts available TBC) as well as the component raw test scores which will support their Teacher Assessment Judgements.
– Teachers from Year 6 can import/input their scaled scores, as well as the component raw test scores, once they have been published.
Entering Key Stage 1 Test and Scaled Scores
A scaled score can be entered directly via Results > Results, simply Edit Results as usual and then type in the appropriate scaled score.

Alternatively, the raw test scores can be entered which will enable both these andthe scaled scores to be kept for future reference. This can also be done via Results > Results by amending the Display Options:

By turning ComponentsON in the Display Options, teachers will be presented with additional spaces (components) to record pupils’ individual test scores. Pupil Asset will then use the DfE’s KS1 Conversion Chart (once available) to automatically calculate the scaled score for you.
Year 6 SATs test results and scaled scores
The KS2 tests are marked according to the published mark schemes by markers recruited and trained by STA’s marking supplier. Mark schemes for the 2022 tests will be published on GOV.UK on Friday 20 May. The 2022 tests will be marked according to the same published marking principles as in 2019.
These principles are detailed in the general guidance on marking in the 2019 KS2 mark schemes for English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. STA works with the marking supplier to ensure tests are marked fairly and consistently.
Test results will be available on the Primary Assessment Gateway from 7:30am on Tuesday 5 July.
Each pupil registered for the tests will receive:
• a raw score (the number of marks awarded)
• a scaled score
• confirmation of whether they met the expected standard
Conversion tables for the 2022 tests will be published on GOV.UK on Tuesday 5 July, so schools can understand how pupils’ scaled scores are derived from their raw scores. Results will also be available on the Primary Assessment Gateway for key stage 3 schools with a year 7 intake, these schools will need to use unique pupil numbers (UPNs) to access the results of pupils joining their school.
Q: Why are the optional SPaG test results linked to NC Writing-Composition and not NC Writing-VPGS?
A. NC Writing-VPGS was set up after some schools wished to be able to assess their vocabulary, punctuation, grammar and spelling separately to the rest of the writing curriculum. However, the vast majority of schools do not use this subject and only assess against NC Writing-Composition (which incorporates all the relevant writing elements). This means that the VPGS column does not show up for all schools. Therefore, to ensure that all schools can enter the results without having to change their settings, the SPaG results are imported to NC Writing-Composition. Schools that wish to copy or move the test results to VPGS can do so using the Result Shifter which can be found via Admin > Advanced > Results > Result Shifter.

Entering Teacher Assessment judgements for Years 2 and 6
Results can be entered via Results > Results for Pupil Asset subjects NC Maths, NC Reading, NC Writing Composition and NC Science. Alternatively, input the results via the Results Across Subjects or DNA ticks pages – don’t forget to Save Results.
NB: If you cannot see the relevant columns, use the Display Options to select a fixed range and choose Teacher Assessment instead of latest results.

Please note:
- The DfE Assessment and Reporting Arrangements have rules as to which grades can be used for which subjects – we’ve made life easy for you by only providing the grades you can use for each subject.