Check the contact email address exists and is correct.
- Use the search bar to find the child and check that the contact listed in the results has an email address
entered and it is the correct spelling. Also check that it is a current email address for this contact. If not click on the contacts name to edit the record and save. - Check there are no leading or trailing spaces in the email address.
Has the child been linked to the contact?
- If the contacts name is missing in the search, then the contact has not been added to the child. Go to
the child’s family tab in their record, click add contact, search for the contact by name and save. Duplicate contacts can cause problems so please ensure that the contact is not already on the system before making a new record.
Are emails being delivered to the recipient’s junk/ spam or other folder?
- Ask the contact to check all their other folders in their email. Due to the level of unsolicited
emails arriving in accounts, some email providers will set up filters to automatically move emails to junk/spam/not trusted folders. If pupil asset shows the message has been delivered, then this is the most likely solution. To check for delivered emails go to Messaging/ Emails/ History on the right it will show messages that have been delivered, opened or failed. A list of addresses will appear when you click on the respective word.
Has the contact been given Email/Online permission?
- Click on the child’s name to be taken to their record. Then click the family tab. In the tick boxes next
to the contacts name check that the email and online boxes have been ticked. Please be aware that the contact will not receive communications if the ‘Court Order Preventing Communication’ box is ticked. - Any contact may be given ‘Preferred’ contact here. This is for any contact who is not the priority
contact (top of the list) and doesn’t have parental responsibility but needs to have email contact with the school e.g. a relative with temporary responsibility for that child.
Has the contact email been bounced back or unsubscribed?
- Go to Messaging/ Email then Warning List. Here is a list of the email addresses that have failed to
deliver for any reason.

- On the right there may be re-subscribe button. The parent may have accidentally unsubscribed from receiving emails. Simply click on the re-subscribe button to give access to emails.
- Underneath the notes section will be an explanation for why the email has failed
How to determine the recipient list for an email
- After selecting your recipients and composing your email, clicking next takes you into the screen
with the list of recipients and the number of emails you are about to send. At the top of the screen make sure you have selected the type of recipient you intend to receive the email. The default is ‘Preferred’.
- Preferred will only send the email to contacts with the preferred box ticked in the child’s family tab.
- Priority to the contact at the top of the list in the child’s records.
- Parental Responsibility to all with parental responsibility checked in the child’s record.
- All to everyone with the receive email box ticked.
- Clicking on the chevron to the right of the list opens a list of contacts on the recipient list for that
child and you can see who will be receiving the email. There is an envelope for
contacts with an email address and a green box around any selected recipients.
Problems when trying to log into the App or Portal
- All the above checks for email apply for access to the app or secure portal ( Contacts will also have to have online access ticked in the family tab to access the child’s information or pay for their meals/events.
- Contacts do not have to register for the app. They can simply download it from i-Tunes or google play to their phone. The portal can be accessed by going to
- The school has to email an invitation to login for the first time. In Messaging/ Parent List find the parent concerned in the alphabetical list. On the right hand column you can see and email sign up button, has this been actioned? When selected it will send an email to the parent with a request to set a first time login password. Login using the email address registered at the school and the set password.
- Make sure the parents password follows the system criteria – must have at least 8 characters and include at least one number.When logging in for the first time to either the App or Portal simply click the forgotten password option to send a password change link to the email address that your child(s) school have on file as being your main contact email address. This combined with your set password will then enable you to access the App or Portal
Do the Parents/Carers share an email address?
- Some families share email addresses which may cause problems as the login to the app must be unique for each individual. In this situation it would be advisable to switch off online access for one of the contacts with the duplicate address until they can provide an alternative.
- Duplicate parent records can also cause problems when seeing siblings in the app or portal. When adding a contact to a child always search for an existing contact and only add if one doesn’t exist.