Following feedback from growing numbers of schools, we have introduced a new column for recording your EYFS Judgements from 2016/17 onwards.
If your school is one of the EYFS Early Adopters for academic year 2020/21 please contact the Sales Team who will match you with one of our education consultants to discuss your schools individual needs.

Users will be able to fill this column in quickly, by taking advantage of the Colour Match facility which will use the data in the End Reception column to suggest judgements of either 1, 2, or 3.
NB: These judgements are based on colour and so it is important that the suggested grades are reviewed carefully, especially if you intend to export this data as the official assessments for the DfE.
As with all results in Pupil Asset, the suggested results can be manually overwritten by professional teacher judgement. For example, if you feel that a child assessed as ELG Emb (potentially showing as dark green on your school tracking model) actually meets the criteria for Exceeding (3), you can manually edit to a judgement of 3. Simply click Edit Results to make the changes and then Save to save them.
Once you have finished your assessments, they can be exported in the correct format for your DfE returns via the EYFS Summary Report.
Choose to either Download the Summary as a CSV or download as CTF (from Admin > Export).

To view, print and export this report, go to Analysis > Statutory Reports > EYFS Summary Table. At the top right of the screen you will see the icons for printing and exporting.
The addition of this column now gives schools complete flexibility as to how they wish to track data throughout the Early Years. Schools who have previously expressed interest in making changes to the number of steps/points progress and/or the colour map attached to their results will now be able to make these adjustments without it impacting on the final 1, 2 or 3 judgment. For more information on making changes to your current school set-up, please contact our Support Team on (01603) 631436.
Q. Do all schools have to use this column?
A. This column is not mandatory; however, it will be for some schools, depending on how they currently use PA in Reception.
The new column is primarily for:
– Returning EYFS Profile data to the DfE in the correct format (so MIS schools and any schools that export this data and return via their MIS will need to use this column).
– Simple comparison/reporting of progress and attainment of EYFS Low/Middle/High cohorts and Low/Middle/High cohorts at Key Stages 1 and 2 (schools wishing to do this will also need to use this column).
Schools who choose not to use this column will still be able to use the system in much the same manner as previously, with their EYFS Predictions report being based on colour, in line with their predictions throughout the year.