29th April
Government Publication: Key stage 1: phonics screening check administration guidance
Check administration guidance for headteachers, teachers and school staff administering and scoring the phonics screening check. Find the full guidance here.
29th April
Government Publication: Phonics screening check: sample materials and training video
A training video and sample materials to help check administrators prepare to administer the 2019 phonics screening check. Find it here.
26th April
Blogpost: How will KS2 progress be measured next year when we run out of KS1 levels? (and is it even worth it?)
TES Data Doctor, James Pembroke explores possible solutions to next year’s progress problem, concluding that perhaps the best solution is to not measure progress at all. Read the full article here.
23rd April
STA Publication: Changes to statutory teacher assessment: information leaflet
To support schools with this year’s assessment cycle, the STA have published an information leaflet for schools about changes to statutory teacher assessment from the 2018/19 academic year. Find it here.
18th April
News Article: Parents plan legal action over new tests for four-year-olds
Led by Kay Tart, a mother from Hertfordshire, parents will march to 10 Downing Street to hand in a 65,000- signature petition against the new Reception Baseline tests the government plans for children aged four and five. The main concern is that administrating the tests in the first six weeks of their children starting school will disrupt the important settling-in period. Read the full article in The Guardian here.
17th April
News Article: Labour will scrap Sats and let teachers teach, vows Jeremy Corbyn
The Guardian is reporting that under new proposals, the Labour Party will scrap compulsory national tests for primary school children in England, with a promise to relieve pressure on overstretched schools and free up teachers to deliver a “rich and varied curriculum”. Read the full article here.
3rd April
Blog Post: How reliable are Key Stage 2 tests?
Dave Thomson, chief statistician at FFT, takes an in depth look at the reliability of the Key Stage 2 tests, unpicking, in detail, the different statistical elements that prove how reliable a test is. He concludes that the KS2 tests “appear to be well-functioning”. Read the full article here.
3rd April
Government Promotional Material: Key stage 1 and 2 national curriculum tests: information for parents
Information leaflet and videos for parents about end of key stage assessments (often referred to as SATs) for 7 and 11 year olds. Find the materials here.
1st April
Government Press Release: Schools to trial new multiplication tables check
School Standards Minister, Nick Gibb, provides a comprehensive update on the new Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). Read the full article here.
1st April
Government Publication: Multiplication tables check administration guidance
The administration guidance provides details on: how to use the MTC system (including the pupil ‘try it out’ area); how to administer the MT; how to use pupil access and other check arrangements. Find it here.
1st April
Government Publication: Multiplication tables check: development update
Information for primary schools about the development of an online multiplication tables check (MTC) to be administered by schools to year 4 pupils from the 2019/20 academic year onwards. Find everything you need, here.