The DfE have released their guidance on how attendance should be recorded with schools’ staged return from 1st June.
The full guidance can be read here.
Key details are:
- X codes should be recorded for any pupil not in an eligible year group or priority group (children of critical workers and vulnerable children). This includes children who are in an eligible year group but are not required in school for a specific session.
- Y codes should be recorded where a pupil is shielding or self-isolating. We have updated Pupil Asset to allow you to record which of these is the case.
- I codes should be recorded as normal if a pupil cannot attend school due to illness. We have also added a ‘Covid-19’ tickbox to allow this to be specified for the DfE’s reporting.
- D codes should be recorded where a pupil is attending another school at which they are registered.
- B codes should be recorded where a pupil is attending a host school on a temporary basis because their home school cannot accommodate them.
- C codes should be recorded where a pupil does not attend school – despite being eligible and no other authorised absence types apply.
- At this time, all absence should be classed as authorised.
We have full guidance on recording attendance from 1st June here.