Online pupil tracking with Pupil Asset
If you’ve reading this blog, the chances are you are currently using School Pupil Tracker Online (SPTO) and have recently been told that you will soon need to find different software to support your school’s assessment needs.
Some schools will view this as a real opportunity to completely review their assessment practice and determine what’s really right for them. However, many schools will be anxious about finding a suitable replacement, especially if they have to do it halfway through the academic year.
We understand that the situation may not be ideal and that is why we would like to reassure any schools that are looking for a replacement tracker that if they move over to Pupil Asset, we will endeavour to make the process as seamless and stress free as possible.
If you choose Pupil Asset, we can guarantee the following:
- Full support throughout the whole ‘moving’ process from our professional and dedicated Migrations Team
- Ongoing support from our experienced and friendly Support Team
- Import of historical data from SPTO into Pupil Asset*
- Flexibility in the system so that your assessment model can grow/change as you do (or as the DfE do!)
*may incur additional charges
So why choose Pupil Asset?
A flexible approach to tracking national curriculum objectives

Pupil Asset’s Educational Consultants write and update our very own New Curriculum frameworks in accordance with DfE guidelines meaning that you can always be sure that you are using the most up to date programs of study. However, we also offer full customisation of frameworks, allowing schools to either adopt ours ‘as is’, copy and ‘tweak’ them to track your own KPIs or completely re-write your own frameworks.
That’s not all, our NC frameworks are fully exemplified to support with moderation and consistency within and across schools. What’s more, these exemplifications are also customisable so if schools wish to create their own descriptors or add links to planning materials they can.
The free Pupil Asset Teacher App makes recording evidence (including photos and videos) against objectives quickly and ‘on the go’.
Bespoke summative assessment and tracking of test scores / custom data
Pupil Asset offers a range of different tracking schemes to suit every school’s needs. Currently, our most popular assessment model is point-in-time assessment, with full flexibility around the number of assessment descriptors and terminology as well as termly or half-termly tracking options. Statutory assessments such as EYFS Judgements, Teacher Assessments and KS1/KS2 Tests are also included and updated in accordance with the DfE.
Schools are also free to add their own custom columns, allowing them to track a wider range of assessments, for example: standardised scores; raw scores; scaled scores; age scores and even effort grades.
This can all be triangulated with contextual data such as attendance and behaviour.
Simple reports
Pupil Asset offers a range of easily configurable reports, including current results, attainment across subjects, progress matrices, point to point evaluation and full cohort reporting. A range of statutory reports, EYFS specific reports and our School on a Page (SOAP) complete our selection, ensuring that all key stakeholders, from pupils and parents to Governors and Ofsted can be fully and quickly informed.
Join Steph Reddington on the 28th of March for our free webinar “Explore Online Tracking Solutions” which looks at some of the key features of Pupil Asset. Sign up here.
It’s easy to switch to Pupil Asset.
Want to find out more? Watch our short demo video for a sneak preview or contact our Sales Team now to arrange a free, full online demo – see how our online Tracker can save you time and money.
Call us on 01603 631436 opt (2) or email [email protected].