Covid-19 update

Let us assure you, as the national picture changes – your data is secure, our support team is available as usual and you can continue to rely on our software 24/7 – whatever device you are using.

All our onsite workshops are postponed and we have closed our office for the time being.

We have given our staff the support they need to work effectively from their homes. This will not affect the level of support we are able to give you – but our rapid expansion into a business with 30 offices across the UK means that you might sometimes hear our pets in the background when you call.

Following the recent communication from the Government, that schools will close for all pupils except the most vulnerable and those whose parents are key workers, we have been working tirelessly to adapt our software so that it can support you through the coming weeks.

Key features include:

  • How to flag and filter pupils who should and shouldn’t be attending school.
  • Setting your school calendar to the ‘Y’ code.
  • Creating registration groups for your new ‘classes’.
  • Identifying non-attending pupils and contacting parents.
  • Assigning teaching staff to groups and covering the register for someone else.
  • Allowing teaching staff access to text messaging and emails.

These updates will be in place tomorrow (Friday 20th March). We are also creating step by step how-to guides and videos to help you.

We will be advising how to register pupils and staff from different schools at one location, when further information is made available around how this may work. We’re also looking at how to adapt our school meals system so that it can support you best – please email [email protected] and let us know how this will work at your school, so that we can better understand what kind of adaptations we need to put in place and advise you as to the best set up for your school.

To make things easier, all MIS schools will receive an allocation of free SMS in their account. We’ll also be making our support team available between 10-12 on Saturday and Sunday should you need help.

Lastly, take care – you are the backbone of our society and your role has never been more important. It is a traumatic time – but you are making a positive difference every day. You are showing the next generation how to handle themselves in a crisis – tirelessly supporting those who need it with kindness and dignity. We are so grateful for you and we will adapt our software and support you as best we can through the coming weeks and months. Be assured that our support line will remain staffed throughout and we will always be happy to take your call.

Please sign up for email updates here:

We’re trying our best to use our platform to signal boost useful information on twitter, and across our communications channels. If you think we can help, or you’d like us to use our platform to share advice with other schools – please email [email protected].