We know how busy this time of year can be, so we’ve made you a list of nine quick things that you can do now, which will save you time and/or worry later!
1. In order to avoid the problem of ‘X is the only person who can do this and they’re off today’’, make sure you have two users with the highest access level, whether that’s cluster admin, or Access Admin. Navigate to Admin > Access Control to micro-manage user access.
Did you know: In Admin > Access Control you can click on each user type to see who has that level of access. This is a simple way to manage individual access levels.
2. To protect your school data, make sure that when a member of staff leaves the school, you either Archive or Delete their account.
MIS schools will need to Archive users by going to Admin > Staff, click on the name of the member of staff who has left, then click Edit. Add an End Date to the Professional Info section – You can then Archive their account at the bottom of that page.
Tracker schools can just delete individual accounts, navigate to Admin > Staff, click on the name of the member of staff who has left, then click Edit. You can delete their account at the bottom of that page.
3. Prepare end of term reports (MIS users).
4. Don’t forget you can use Timecal to create events such as the school plays, parties and Christmas fete.
5. Don’t forget you can use our messaging service to keep parents up to date:
How to use SMS text messaging.
How to manage ‘split contacts’ using the ‘Preferred’ contact status.
How to add, organise and edit parental contacts.
6. Make sure all staff and parents’ mobile numbers are up to date (in case of snow days!).
7. It’s good practice to log out and lock your computer whenever you find yourself working remotely, so nobody but you can access your school data.
8. Kids off with winter bugs? Did you know office users can add absences to teacher registers in advance?
9. Start adding summative data now!